In his message to the State Committee and those Penobscot County Committee members selected by County Committee Secretary Wanda Lincoln, Rich Cebra begins by giving lip service to the rules and bylaws, saying "It is critical that the Party operate within the Rules and By-laws set forth for it by our governing body, and each and every action taken by the Party must be thoroughly reviewed to ensure our actions are appropriate."
But a couple of sentences later, he says that Ken Anderson has "no standing" and essentially admits that he will not right a blatant wrong, a glaring ethical breach, unless he is legally required to do so.
Having sat on the legal memo for more than a week before denying Ken Anderson his hearing, Maine State Republican Committee Chair Rich Cebra essentially ran the time out for either of the two "affected people" he would recognize: State Committeeman Bryan Daugherty, who had run for County Chair against the declared winner, Deb Plowman, and State Committee Member at Large Roger Ek, who lost the race for Vice Chair.
As Ken Anderson said of the opinion, "You would think that if anyone reported fraud in an election, that report should be looked into."
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